Weekend Edition – Family Trip, Bean Soup & Bedtime Routines

February 27, 2022

Main Closet - The Adored Abode

Welcome to the Weekend Edition where I share everything from design ideas, home decor inspiration, and DIY, to life happenings, products I am loving, organization tips, health and wellness, and really any other topic as it comes to mind.

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Our main closet renovation is DONE!! The big reveal is coming on Monday. We are so happy with how it turned out and to have a functioning (and beautiful) closet. The closet was a DIY labor of love. Sneak peek in the image above.

I touched on this on Instagram this past week but everyone in our house has been sick off and on for the past month and a half. I wish I had a great tip or trick to guarantee health for the household – unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, especially when daycare germs are involved. We are hoping we can stay healthy for at least the next week because we are leaving for a family trip!

We will be taking Leo on his first flight next week and are a little nervous about entertaining him during the 3 hour flight. Our philosophy is screen time and snack boundaries are very lax while traveling, anything to get to the destination in the most uneventful way possible. We got Leo a tablet and headphones to watch Trash Truck episodes during our flight – fingers crossed this buys us at least some quiet time on the flight. Toddlers are ever unpredictable so the jury is still out.

Kitchen Design - The Adored Abode

It’s still soup season…

It’s been a wild weather week here in the heartland, 70 degrees one day, and single digits the next. When the weather turns cold we often turn to chili to warm ourselves up from the inside out, however this time Nathan made a Ham & Bean Soup with crusty bread that was hearty and did the trick of warming us up on a cold evening. We aren’t huge meat eaters, but when we do we try to keep nose to tail philosophy in mind, we would definitely make this soup with traditional pork hock broth again.

Main Bathroom Reveal - The Adored Abode

Do you have a getting ready for bed routine?

I used to save my skincare and teeth regime for right before bedtime. This past week I started getting ready for bed right after Leo goes to bed, around 7pm. I find if I do my whole skincare routine, which admittedly isn’t super involved, much earlier I’m more apt to do all of the steps I want to and actually enjoy it, rather than rushing through. Then I go back out to the living room and spend time with Nathan, work, or watch TV until I’m ready for bed. When I am ready to get into bed I can just hop right in! It may seem silly, but this has made such a positive difference for me.

Things that caught my eye this week:

An artist took historical figures and recreated their faces with a modern spin using AI. I find this kind of stuff fascinating. Its pretty amazing to scroll through and think of famous people from the past existing in modern times.

We are certainly not experts in eastern European geopolitics, but this brief explainer and 5 book recommendations offered some pretty succinct context on the situation in Ukraine.

Nathan swears by morning pages to clear the mind. He thinks everyone should give it a try.

Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

More about Allie

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